Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Monday, February 26, 2007

Today's game

In today's game (kohaku shi ai) Yoshiki got 4 hits from 5 times at bats
(5-4) centre hit single, 3 base hit and two single hits. 2 stolen bases and scored 3 runs. That makes 11-7 so far with 4 stolen bases. Let's hope he continues in this form.Anyway, it seems he can work well with Oki head coach.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Saturday, February 17, 2007

oxford university window

British Airways Bee Air


Today is Sheps birthday!!! He is 8 years old. His birthday present was a very big piece of boiled chicken!! Scotty, May and Jack (sparrow) also joined the dinner party. Many happy returns Shep!!!!


In today's game, a practice game (kohaku shiai) Yoshiki was 6-3.

Two single hits to centre field and one single hit to left field. Still no home runs ,but this year I think he will start to swing the bat more!