Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Some scenes from last season

Photographs by Soutarou!
Always appreciated.


Anonymous said...

2006年も力いっぱいtokushima ISを応援します。

come-by said...

Hello Zino!
Having a quiet time?
I am sure you will be busy soon supporting the Sox!

Anonymous said...

Hello come-bye!
I had a quiet time.
Excuse me for not writing to you for so long.

Well...,I didn't write the top comment.
That was written by Ms.hagino.
She is photographer(writer),
and works in "Awawa"=town magazine.

This year,I will support and cheer the Sox more than last year!
I hope many sox's players(especially your son go NPB or MLB.

Yoroshiku too!

come-by said...

Sorry I mistook your names,Zino san and Hagino san.
I saw Soutarou's pictures of Nakai Kyujo and Machida and Noro. It is a very quiet place.
I hope to meet you again this year in Tokushima.
It seems as if Indigo Socks got a good pitcher. I do hope so.