Saturday, March 04, 2006


Ever tried Google Earth?
It's fun! And it's free!
Unfortunately Tokushima/Shikoku area isn't as good as other places in the world. But they are always upgrading and have got as far as Awajishima.
Recently Odawara was upgraded. I can see my house and next door's car!
You can download from this site (if your computer is less than 4 years old)
and you have broadband or ADSL.


come-by said...

Not all places come out clearly.
My home town in England doesn't,Tokushima doesn't but some areas which don't look so green from the air are very clear. Odawara or Tokyo for example.

come-by said...

Not all places come out clearly.
My home town in England doesn't,Tokushima doesn't but some areas which don't look so green from the air are very clear. Odawara or Tokyo for example.