Monday, June 05, 2006

No Day Off

Today, as I went to Tokushima Airport by bus I happened to see Indigo Socks training by the river as we went over the bridge. Today was to be Yoshiki's first day off in weeks. It was taken away as they lost on Sunday. I heard that the coaches had a day off though.
The team is not doing so well at the moment so more training is going to make them better??? Didn't the coach notice that Yoshiki's hand is taped? It is swollen from too much batting . Is more batting practise going to make it better?
The incentive system is strange too. Yoshiki (and the other players are making less money than last year and the parents have to give them money every month to support them.) At least if they don't have a day off they have no time to spend money,right? Some baseball coaches get a rather good salary these days and need time off to spend it I guess.
The Indigo Socks players are lucky to live in such a place where there are so many friendly people who invite them around to dinner or take them out to restaurants.
But it's hardly the image of a proffesional sportsman , is it?

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