Friday, July 27, 2007

Pirates 12- 0 Indigo Socks

Batted 5 times this evening. Double, Single and a walk. 4-2. Team hits ,17!!

Soft Bank 6-6 Island League

Yoshiki came in to field from the 6th inning.

Batted once. Grounded out to 1st.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Island League 3-3 Soft Bank Hawks

Yoshiki started as the ninth batter in the game at Yahoo Dome today. The game ended in a tie. Yoshiki hit a single to right field and then stole 2nd base in the third inning. The final score was 3-3! h Saduharu and the coaching staff were watching the game!Tomorrow,they will play Soft Bank in one more game.
Yoshiki is also on the team to play Chunichi Dragons next Tuesday in Tokushima.
I hope he does well. It's a big chance!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

The dog joke

Shep: I like chasing people riding bicycles!!
Scotty: Do you ever catch them?
Shep: No. I can't reach the pedals and I keep falling off!!!!
Scotty and Shep: Ha Ha Ha!!!

Orange and White, Scotty. A Mandarin Pirate Fan

C'mon Yoshiki!! Start getting some hits and stolen bases.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Today at Odawara Stadium. Soyo High School (Yoshiki's school) Lost 1-2 to Kawawa HS
in the 2nd round of the Kanagawa Prefectural Tournament. The other pitcher was very fast and the fielding was excellent.
Soyo's batting was better ,but the pitcher's control was poor. Bothe Kawawa's runs were from errors. The ground was full!

Called Game But Lost

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Yoshiki is on the team to play Soft Bank Hawks in Fukuoka Yahoo Dome next week.
I am sure there will be some complaints about it. But it seems the team was chosen for defense and speed rather than batting this time.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Shep and Scotty's Day Out.

Scotty: Hey, Shep. She is really nice looking. What do you think?
Shep: Not my type. She's wearing bloody ribbons! Scotty: Do you think I should talk to her and tell her my feelings?
Shep: You are wasting your time, lad.

Scotty: I'm going!

Shep: Ha Ha! Young dogs these days. When I was your age.........

Scotty: She's leaving! She never even smelled me! Hey! sweetheart! I love you!! Drat!!!!

Today the master took Shep and I out for a morning walk as usual.

There were some good smells near the river. He let me off the lead and I ran around .

It was a bit hot, so I ran into the rice field. The master got angry and shouted at me.

Shep didn't want to play with me. He said '"It's too bloody hot! Chase your own tail, you stupid

English dog!" (he's Scottish ,but is my hero)Anyway, ..on the way back we saw a lot of sparrows like Jack, but none of them can speak as well as him. Suddenly a black dog came running out of a garden at Shep. Shep was great! He said." Are you serious? I'll bite your backside for that rude comment.And Shep chased him away! Wow!!He's my hero!

After getting home, the master washed my feet and I cooled myself down on the bathroom floor.

Then Breakfast!!! Today was Han nama special. The boss had forgotten to buy my favourite meat topping.

Sometimes he is so forgetful. But he put some milk on it ,so it was okay. He promised to get me meat later . Then I barked at the postman and that ugly dog from down the road.

Then I thought it would be time for a nap. BUT!! Nothe master said" C'mon Scooter (my nickname)let's go out ,boy! and we went out for a walk. Shep wasn't too happy at first but when the master said "Ice cream" He changed his attitude.

We went through the fields then climbed a hill. Running through the woods was fantastic.

I got a bit thirsty and tried to drink from the river but the master shouted "NO Scotty!!"

We went through a tunnel and the master made funny noises. Humans do odd things!!We reached the top and went into the park. Water! At last. I started to drink and a man who looked like he had nothing to do, told the master to keep the dogs (me)out of the water. I wasn't in the water!

Anyway, just then this dream girl dog went past. She was fantastic! I asked her for a date.

Shep laughed and told me my technique with women was "primitive" He said he would teach me.

Shep is really good at picking up females. He is my hero! I was on the lead and wanted to follow her but the master was trying to take my picture. I am camera-shy!

We walked down the hill. The master said "Bee" I couldn't see a bee anywhere. He is strange sometimes.

It was really hot and I was dried up at both ends. Then the master said those words again. "Ice cream"

He left Shep (my hero) and I outside the shop and went in. A few minutes later he came out with some cold food. We sat down and he gave us half each. It was fantastic!!

What a taste. Better than milk!

We then walked home. When we got back, Jack was flying around asking where we had been. I told him he wouldn't understand as he he was just a bird. He sat on the masters head and asked for some dinner. Jack is always hungry!

I was so happy that I followed the master all everywhere in the house hoping to get more "ice cream"

I was very tired after the walk and went to sleep a bit while the master went out. He came back

with human food for his dinner and "MEAT" for Shep and I . Shep said this was 2nd grade meat

and that the master was a bit stingy these days. (Something to do with Nova,thats where he goes every day )

After dinner I had an itchy eye. The master put a drop of something in each eye. It stung.

Sometimes he does strange things like that.

I feel very sleepy after my day out. Shep said he 'll ask the master if we can go again soon.

(He's my hero!)