Friday, July 06, 2007

Ano Ichiban's father

It is very easy to complain about things when they go wrong.When things go right usually people are content. Mandarin Pirates were doing well in the last part of the first half of
the season. So what is the problem? Yoshiki has said that his batting his the best it has been
for a very long time. He thinks he has been a bit unlucky ,especially in the last games.
All sorts of things happen in the game that the fans do not know about.
In the Hanshin game. It said "Graham failed to steal base." The sign was hit and run at that time.
In the stands do people know that fact? It is a fact that there are sign misses, even with a 3 bunt squeeze.
Instead of complaining about trivialities the fans should look at the big picture.
Complaining about the coach and players will destroy the team mood, which I hear is the
best in the league!
Yoshiki was chosen for the combined team this time. He wasn't last time ot the time before.
Is "batting average" everything? What about fielding? Getting on base? Stealing base?

PS Thank you to Yocchan for the kind explanation

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