Thursday, June 29, 2006

The Fans Deserve Better

Why didn't Yoshiki and Kinchan start today?
They were late for training on their 'toban' day . So it seems they will be fined.
Their salary is not enough to live on and the families of the players
have to support them with money.And their pay will be cut even more?
This means in actual fact that I will have to pay the fine.
The people of Shikoku support the players and help them out in many ways.
I really do appreciate this.
I think the incentive to play better and win comes from all sides. Not just the fans ,parents and players.
It seems the league is ready to take money from the players with any chance they get.
I'd like to know how much they have actually made from the cards ,balls and T-Shirts that Yoshiki signs after the games.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.