Friday, June 15, 2007


I have worked for Nova for 10 years. The school ,the staff and the teachers have always tried to
maintain a high standard. We have over 9,000 teachers and around 900 schools in Japan,
so some problems are bound to arise in such a large organization.
The system is not perfect, but Nova has not been hiding anything as far as we know. The media has picked up on this and has blown it up out of proportion as they want to sell more newspapers. The naive rag, Asahi Shinbun seems to dislike Nova for some reason. Are they connected to some rival language school? It seems so.
At busy times it is hard for some students to take a lesson exactly when they want at short notice. If they reserve 3 weeks in advance it is likely they will be able to book a lesson.
The media has only mentioned the problems. They have mentioned the fact that students can cancel a lesson up to the day before and not have to pay for it. We also teach students who walk in off the streets and ask for a lesson then and there. The staff give free counselling to nearly all students on their week points after consulting the teachers.We have given free lessons to phyiscally handicapped people. Some of our students have nervous and physical disabilities and
very few people are refused entry to the school like they are at other major language schools.
There are many good points about Nova that the public do not know about or the public do not want to know about. It seems to be fun to jump on the bandwagon and bash Nova. About 20,000 people might be in danger of losing their jobs. But half of them are gaijins so it doesn't matter. But many of those "gaijins " have wives and families in Japan to take care of.
There are also almost 500,000 students . What will happen to their lessons if the company folds? A few people couldn't get lessons exactly when they wanted. 500,000 may not be able to finish the lessons they paid for, because of this fiasco.
No one will read this , I know, but I just wanted to get it out of my system.

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