Friday, June 01, 2007

Very Strange

Today the weather was very changeable. I decided to go to get May's remains.

At first I was planning to walk there with the dogs, but the sky looked onimous.

I went by bicycle. I was thinking that the least I could do was to go there under my own power

to bring May home.The way there is very quiet and there are few buildings.

Somewhere, I took the wrong turning and found myself on the wrong road.

I noticed that it was the same place that I had found May 12 years before!!

I tried to find the road a few times in the past 12 years but could not. Why did I find it today?

I had a very strange feeling when I was climbing the hill where I had first talked to my dog.

Today, I thought she was waiting for me to come and get her.

I said "I'm coming, May" I am sure nobody heard me,. If they did they must have thought I'd lost it.

The memories of that day 12 years ago came flooding back to me as I went along the same road that May had followed me. I arrived at the Little house with the chimney where May had been cremated. It was raining heavily and the two men inside were polite and friendly and gave me the Disney Sea cookie can that contained the ashes.

I(we) went back home, down the road that we used 12 years before, when I was trying to find her owner. The owner that I finally became after she had chosen me for the job!.

I am sure it is all coincidence, but I'd like to believe that it wasn't.

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